Travel Guide: WaterColor, Grayton, and Seagrove Beach, FL

When I am not traveling to watch golf, 30A is my most desired vacation spot! I shared my love for Seaside (you can read more here),…

Travel Tip: Essential Oils for Travel

I know I’m late to the essential oils game, but over the past few months I have been experimenting with different doTerra essential oils and…

Healthy Homemade Hummus

Hummus is a healthy, high-protein snack, perfect after a long day at a golf tournament, before a workout, or as an appetizer when entertaining friends!…

Travel Guide: Seaside, FL

Situated on scenic Highway 30A along Florida’s emerald coast, Seaside, FL is one of my absolute favorite places to vacation! Known for it’s sugar white…

What to Wear to The Masters

The Masters, one of the most anticipated events of the year, is right around the corner!! Azaleas in full bloom, pimento cheese sandwiches, and the…

Snack Spotlight: Perfect Bar

From the first time I tried them, Perfect Bars have been a staple in my refrigerator. They are so delicious that I insisted everyone in my…

Travel Tip: Workout Resources for Travel

Keeping up with an exercise routine while traveling can be tough, but thankfully there are plenty of resources available to make it a little bit…