Father’s Day Gift Ideas for the Golf Lover

Father’s Day is RIGHT around the corner and I’ve put together some gift ideas for the golf lover! Smylie also had a little input on this list!

RLX Shortsimg_5100

These are Smylie’s favorite shorts for when he’s practicing or to throw on with loafers to go out to dinner. They are perfect for summer and come in several colors!

Ecco Golf Shoesimg_5097
Smylie can’t stop talking about how comfortable these golf shoes are!

2-DG Golf Shirt3483E819-7AFA-4AC7-94FC-B8244DA038FA

2-DG is a brand new apparel line. Their golf polo is made with fabric that contains SPF 50 UV protection and is created from 100% recycled fibers. My favorite part about this brand? A portion of the proceeds go to cancer research.

Golf Books

A Life Well Playedimg_0049

Tiger Woodsimg_0048

If your dad is a big reader or just loves the game of golf,  these two books are GREAT options! Smylie has read both and really enjoyed them!


Polo Golf Shirts

Active Fit Lisle Poloimg_5099

Active Fit Stretch Lisle PoloActive Fit Stretch Lisle Polo

Smylie has both of these shirts and gravitates towards them when he’s picking his outfits for tournament week!


UE Boomimg_0073
This portable speaker is the perfect size to throw in the golf cart when you’re going out to hit some balls! We have one and love it!

Polo Bathing SuitBA2512F4-3F4A-4C59-95E5-4C2423977B13

A swimsuit always makes a great Father’s Day gift! The dad in your life will be ready to jump into the pool after a hot summer round!

Happy Shopping!

Always finding joy,



  1. Adi Norcross
    June 9, 2018 / 7:43 pm

    Thank you Francie! My husband is going to celebrate his first Father’s Day this year, so thank you for making a list of top golf picks, I like the shoes a lot and think he’ll love those! Xoxo

    • June 23, 2018 / 5:52 pm

      I’m so happy to hear that! I hope he had a great first Father’s Day!

  2. June 23, 2018 / 5:12 pm

    Hey Francie – I just randomly found your Instagram page and blog from Heather Durham’s Instagram page! I am also from Bham; I live in Helena. Anyway, I love golf too. Do you follow the PGA for your job or as a hobby? Either way, I’m sure it’s alot of fun! Love the photo of you and Justin Timberlake too! And congrats on your recent wedding!

    • June 23, 2018 / 5:50 pm

      Hi! Heather is WONDERFUL! We are so glad we chose her to capture our wedding day! My husband plays on the PGA Tour! Thank you!

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